Sew Along Shoutout


Hey peeps,

I’ve noticed on my Google analytics stats that my Uniquely You posts have been getting a lot of hits lately. Yay! This is a shoutout to whomever is currently working on their Uniquely You dress form. Would you send me a picture when you’re done? I’d love to see how yours turned out. My email is hoopesparkstudios [at] gmail [dot] com.

In other news, I made a button for the Uniquely You sew along! The code is in the blog’s side bar. If you’re following the sew along and have a blog, then I made this button for YOU. You can add the button to your side bar by copying and pasting the code into a widget (in WordPress) or a gadget (in Blogger) in your side bar. Spread the word and help more people figure out how to tailor Uniquely You.




  1. Gram said:

    Love your blogs, Claire! Gram


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